基于学习的方法有效地促进了图像压缩社区。同时,基于变异的自动编码器(VAE)的可变速率方法最近引起了很多关注,以避免使用一组不同的网络来用于各种压缩率。尽管已经取得了显着的性能,但一旦执行了多个压缩/减压操作,这些方法将很容易损坏,从而导致图像质量将被大幅下降并且会出现强大的伪像。因此,我们试图解决高保真的细度可变速率图像压缩的问题,并提出可逆激活变换(IAT)模块。我们以单个速率可逆神经网络(INN)模型(Qlevel)以数学可逆的方式实施IAT,并将质量级别(QLevel)送入IAT,以产生缩放和偏置张量。 IAT和QLEVEL一起为图像压缩模型提供了罚款可变速率控制的能力,同时更好地保持图像保真度。广泛的实验表明,配备了我们IAT模块的单率图像压缩模型具有实现可变速率控制而无需任何妥协的能力。并且我们的IAT包裹模型通过最新的基于学习的图像压缩方法获得了可比的利率延伸性能。此外,我们的方法的表现优于最新的可变速率图像压缩方法,尤其是在多次重新编码之后。
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在这项工作中,我们在分配强化学习方面建立了最新的进步,以基于IQN提供模型的最新分配变体。我们通过使用GAN模型的生成器和鉴别器功能与分位数回归来实现这一目标,从而近似于状态返回分布的完整分位数。我们证明了基线数据集的性能提高-57 Atari 2600游戏。此外,我们使用算法来显示Atari游戏中风险敏感政策的最新培训表现,并通过政策优化和评估。
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With the development and progress of science and technology, the Internet of Things(IoT) has gradually entered people's lives, bringing great convenience to our lives and improving people's work efficiency. Specifically, the IoT can replace humans in jobs that they cannot perform. As a new type of IoT vehicle, the current status and trend of research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) is gratifying, and the development prospect is very promising. However, privacy and communication are still very serious issues in drone applications. This is because most drones still use centralized cloud-based data processing, which may lead to leakage of data collected by drones. At the same time, the large amount of data collected by drones may incur greater communication overhead when transferred to the cloud. Federated learning as a means of privacy protection can effectively solve the above two problems. However, federated learning when applied to UAV networks also needs to consider the heterogeneity of data, which is caused by regional differences in UAV regulation. In response, this paper proposes a new algorithm FedBA to optimize the global model and solves the data heterogeneity problem. In addition, we apply the algorithm to some real datasets, and the experimental results show that the algorithm outperforms other algorithms and improves the accuracy of the local model for UAVs.
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从随机数据中揭示隐藏的动态是一个具有挑战性的问题,因为随机性参与了数据的发展。当在许多情况下没有随机数据的轨迹时,问题就变得非常复杂。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,可以根据fokker-planck(FP)方程的弱形式有效地建模随机数据的动力学,该方程控制了布朗工艺中密度函数的演变。将高斯函数作为弱形式的FP方程式的测试函数,我们将衍生物传递到高斯函数,从而将衍生物传递到高斯函数,从而通过数据的期望值近似弱形式。使用未知术语的字典表示,将线性系统构建,然后通过回归解决,从而揭示数据的未知动力学。因此,我们以弱搭配回归(WCK)方法为其三个关键组成部分命名该方法:弱形式,高斯核的搭配和回归。数值实验表明我们的方法是灵活而快速的,它在多维问题中揭示了几秒钟内的动力学,并且可以轻松地扩展到高维数据,例如20个维度。 WCR还可以正确地识别具有可变依赖性扩散和耦合漂移的复杂任务的隐藏动力学,并且性能很强,在添加噪声的情况下,在情况下达到了高精度。
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本文研究了重量和激活都将二进制神经网络(BNN)二进制为1位值,从而大大降低了记忆使用率和计算复杂性。由于现代深层神经网络具有复杂的设计,具有复杂的架构,其准确性,因此权重和激活分布的多样性非常高。因此,传统的符号函数不能很好地用于有效地在BNN中进行全精度值。为此,我们提出了一种称为Adabin的简单而有效的方法,可自适应获得最佳的二进制集$ \ {b_1,b_2 \} $($ b_1,b_1,b_2 \ in \ mathbb {r} $)的重量和激活而不是固定集(即$ \ { - 1,+1 \} $)。通过这种方式,提出的方法可以更好地拟合不同的分布,并提高二进制特征的表示能力。实际上,我们使用中心位置和1位值的距离来定义新的二进制量化函数。对于权重,我们提出了一种均衡方法,将对称分布的对称中心与实价分布相对,并最大程度地减少它们的kullback-leibler差异。同时,我们引入了一种基于梯度的优化方法,以获取这两个激活参数,这些参数以端到端的方式共同训练。基准模型和数据集的实验结果表明,拟议的Adabin能够实现最新性能。例如,我们使用RESNET-18体系结构在Imagenet上获得66.4 \%TOP-1的精度,并使用SSD300获得了Pascal VOC的69.4映射。
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The spectra of random feature matrices provide essential information on the conditioning of the linear system used in random feature regression problems and are thus connected to the consistency and generalization of random feature models. Random feature matrices are asymmetric rectangular nonlinear matrices depending on two input variables, the data and the weights, which can make their characterization challenging. We consider two settings for the two input variables, either both are random variables or one is a random variable and the other is well-separated, i.e. there is a minimum distance between points. With conditions on the dimension, the complexity ratio, and the sampling variance, we show that the singular values of these matrices concentrate near their full expectation and near one with high-probability. In particular, since the dimension depends only on the logarithm of the number of random weights or the number of data points, our complexity bounds can be achieved even in moderate dimensions for many practical setting. The theoretical results are verified with numerical experiments.
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Point cloud completion is a generation and estimation issue derived from the partial point clouds, which plays a vital role in the applications in 3D computer vision. The progress of deep learning (DL) has impressively improved the capability and robustness of point cloud completion. However, the quality of completed point clouds is still needed to be further enhanced to meet the practical utilization. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on various methods, including point-based, convolution-based, graph-based, and generative model-based approaches, etc. And this survey summarizes the comparisons among these methods to provoke further research insights. Besides, this review sums up the commonly used datasets and illustrates the applications of point cloud completion. Eventually, we also discussed possible research trends in this promptly expanding field.
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